
Category: Patrick Terrell

Aug. 18, 2021

Taking Stock of the National Stockpile: Modernizing for a Dynamic Response

Many have acknowledged that the COVID19 pandemic was not a failure of our imagination – we’ve been preparing for such an event for decades by building biotechnologies for biosurveillance and medicines, conducting exercises, and stockpiling of medical supplies – furthermore, response to a spreading illness in many ways is not rocket science: treat the sick, protect the vulnerable, and stop the spread – mainly accomplished via the tools and products of biotechnology. Many are now asking, what could we have done better in the pandemic response?

May 14, 2018

Playing With Fire

Listen as CSWMD's Mr. Patrick Terrell and Mr. Robert J. Peters speak to the National Defense University's Defense Matters podcast about North Korea's increased rhetoric, capabilities escalate the probability of armed conflict & how it affects American allies in the region. The views expressed in the podcast are those of the individual and not the organization.

Aug. 30, 2017

North Korean Collapse: Weapons of Mass Destruction Use and Proliferation Challenges

Among all the challenges associated with a North Korean collapse, the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or movement of WMD out of the country will have the largest strategic implications.